
Monday, June 2    

Time (all times are Eastern) Activity

Pre-Conference Workshop (Room 116): Developing Performance to Unlock Your Limitless Capability

9:30 AM Opening
12:00 PM Lunch
5:30 Social Hour/Dinner

DAY 1: Tuesday, June 3    

Time (all times are Eastern) Activity
10:00 AM Welcome Session (Room 116)
Navigating the Online Conference
Interactive Team activity
(with mentoring partner pairs set up in this session)
10:50 Coffee & Conversation Break
11:00 Keynote Address: Cultivating Resilience in an Era of Uncertainty (Dr. Elizabeth Weinstein, MD)

From the Great Recession of the late aughts to the Covid pandemic and beyond, the pace of change can be dizzying. As educators, identifying and employing strategies to navigate these changes and build resiliency is paramount to our success and wellbeing. Join Dr. Elizabeth Weinstein, as she weaves elements of positive psychology and narrative storytelling into actionable tools for resilience.

Learn more about Dr. Weinstein

Dr. Elizabeth Weinstein is a Professor of Clinical Emergency Medicine and Pediatrics at the Indiana University School of Medicine with over 20 years of clinical experience and healthcare leadership. Elizabeth is triple board certified in Emergency Medicine, Pediatrics, and Emergency Medical Services. She is an educator, coalition builder, and healthcare communicator with a passion for making tough concepts accessible and relatable. Her research has centered on healthcare communication and pediatric emergency care infrastructure development. She has a long history of leading people and programs through change, both as a Division Chief throughout the COVID pandemic, and as a leader in medical student affairs at Indiana University. She has led several grant funded programs to improve health advocacy and patient provider connection. Her work has been presented nationally and has been published in journals such as Annals of Emergency Medicine, Pediatrics, Communication Education, Pre-Hospital Emergency Care, and Pediatric Emergency Care. When not working she is an avid alpine skier and winter outdoor enthusiast.

12:15 PM Lunch Break
12:45 Breakout session #1A:
Breakout session #1B:
2:15 Hall of Innovation Interactive Poster Session (Room 116)
3:30 Coffee & Conversation Break
3:45 Interactive Team Time discussion session (Room 116) / (Virtual Breakout Rooms)
4:30 Social Hour / In Person Dinner at a local restaurant and a Virtual Happy Hour

DAY 2: Wednesday, June 4

Time (all times are Eastern) Activity
10:00 AM Welcome Day 2 - Team Time discussion session (Room 116)
10:45 Academy Annual Business Meeting/Board Elections (Room 116)
11:45 Lunch Break
12:30 PM

Plenary: Promising Practices to Promote Student Success (Hamann, Lowder, Smith)

This interactive panel session will explore systematic approaches to fostering student success. Each panelist will showcase one or more innovative and promising programs and services that involve structured, impactful processes. The session will provide space for sharing innovative ideas, engaging in thoughtful discussion, and inspiring actionable insights. Our panelists include: Dr. Amber Smith, Vice President of Student Experience, Success, and Belonging at UIndy, Dr. Lori Lowder, Associate Vice Provost for Student Success at Kennesaw State University, and Dr. Bryan Hamann, Vice President for Student Success & Retention Strategy at Ivy Tech Community College - Statewide

2:00 Coffee & Conversation Break
2:15 Breakout session #2A:
Breakout session #2B:
3:45 Team Time (Room 116)
4:30 Social Hour / In Person Dinner at a local restaurant and a Virtual Happy Hour

DAY 3: Thursday, June 5

Time (all times are Eastern) Activity
10:00 am Welcome  (All activities: Room 116)
10:15 Breakout session #3A:
Breakout session #3B:
11:45 President's State of the Academy Address
12:15 PM Report Out: Team insights on focused issues
1:00 Closing Session
“THE” Academy Awards
Conference Formal Assessment survey
Announcement of 2026 Conference Plans