Call for Proposals

Proposals should:

  1. Align with and support the conference themes/goals
    • Innovating with PE Tools & Techniques for the Post-Covid Era
    • Leveraging Instructional Technologies: AI, LMS, eLearning, Distance Education
    • Reconciling Life’s Challenges
    • Enhancing Reflective Practice
    • Deploying Learner-Centered Communication
    • Incorporating International Perspectives
    • Advancing Wellness & Self-Care
    • Cultivating Mentorship
  2. Have an impact on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning or educational practices
  3. Share innovation, scholarship, work in progress, or institutional change that attracts participant interest and stimulates lively discussion
  4. Offer added value to the participants
  5. Specify...
    1. Author details (name, title, institutional affiliation, brief bio)
    2. Type of presentation [Practitioner Workshop, Research Workshop, Research Paper, or Poster (Hall of Innovation)]
    3. Mode of delivery (face-to-face or remote/virtual)
    4. Title of presentation
    5. 1-3 sentence explanation of how the proposal topic aligns with the conference themes

All session materials will be made available online for participants. If you have prerequisite readings or pre-activities for your workshop, please indicate this in your facilitation plan and include the links or PDFs of readings or activity resources with the package of materials you submit.

Practitioner Workshop

These 90-minute workshops provide an environment for participants to experience innovative, new, or current teaching, learning, and facilitation strategies related to conference themes.

Practitioner Workshops should

  • Integrate the practices of PE in delivering the workshop
  • Produce significant learning and growth outcomes for participants
  • Accommodate online and in-person participation if possible
  • Provide or produce ready-to-use resources for participants
  • Be open to participants from any discipline

Example           Template  

Proposal Guidelines

All practitioner workshop proposals must be submitted through the submission form and should include the following:

  • Abstract/Description (100-150 words)
  • Learning Outcomes
  • Pre-workshop preparation for participants
  • Readings and resources
  • Facilitation plan
  • Final Workshop materials due on May 5 and should respond to reviewer feedback

Research Workshop

These workshops are 90-minute explorations of ongoing scholarship with an eye to advancing pertinent research (additional projects, collaboration, and publications). Presenters will have the opportunity to summarize their project, with a brief Q&A session afterwards.

Research Workshops should

  • Advance the research that is currently being done on a research project
  • Model research practices within the workshop
  • Create opportunity for continuing research collaboration
  • Test and validate the current research accomplished through assessment and feedback
  • Produce new results that support submissions suitable for the International Journal of Process Education

Example           Template  

Proposal Guidelines

All research workshop proposals must be submitted through the submission form and should include the following:

  • Abstract/Description (100-150 words)
  • Intended research Outcomes
  • Pre-workshop preparation for participants
  • Readings and resources
  • Facilitation plan
  • Final Workshop materials due on May 5 and should respond to reviewer feedback

Research Paper

These discussion-based sessions will include a selection of three papers focused on a particular theme. Authors can submit a proposal for a single paper and the conference planning committee will look for similar papers to curate the session. Submitted papers may be draft manuscripts nearing readiness for journal publication, or extended abstracts for which the author seeks additional guidance to advance the paper. Authors will present a 10 to 20--minute overview of their paper and then participate in a facilitated 30-minute Q&A discussion with session participants. (Conference participants should have the opportunity to read each research paper ahead of time.) All Research Paper proposals must be submitted through the conference submission portal in pdf format and include items listed in the Proposal Submission Guide (introduction, methods, results, discussion, references).

Sample Research Papers may be found in the current or previous editions of the International Journal of Process Education.

Research paper proposals should

  • Be grounded in the literature
  • Use research questions and/or hypotheses that are valuable for participants
  • Advance knowledge that currently exists on the topic
  • Create opportunity for feedback to advance the quality of the research for future publication
  • Initiate meaningful dialogue

Template      Samples may be found in the current or previous editions of the International Journal of Process Education.

Proposal Guidelines

All proposals must be submitted through the submission form and should include the following:

  • Extended abstract
  • List of critical thinking questions to foster discussion
  • Final Workshop materials due on May 5 and should respond to reviewer feedback

Poster Session (Hall of Innovation)

Hall of Innovation presentations should:

  • Use a slideshow format with 5 - 10 slides
  • Center on a specific innovation
  • Invite conference participants into dialogue about the topic
  • Share scholarship or other results based on one's experience

For presenters attending in person:

  • The presentation will be displayed on monitors in the main meeting room
  • During the dedicated Hall of Innovation time, presenters can discuss their slideshows with participants
  • For the remainder of the conference, the presentations will be displayed for participants to view

Template      Sample      

For presenters attending remotely:

  • Record yourself presenting the slideshow
  • Limit the recording to 10 minutes in length
  • Submit the recording as an .mp4 video file

Proposal Guidelines

All proposals must be submitted through the submission form and should include an abstract (100-150 words) and modality of attendance (in-person/online).

All final submissions which should include the slideshow file (if attending in person) or the video recording (if attending remotely), will be due on May 5 and should respond to reviewer feedback.