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June 10     (Monday)

Time (all times are Eastern) Activity

Pre-Conference Workshop

9:00 AM Opening
12:00 PM Lunch
4:00 Social Hour/Dinner

DAY 1: Tuesday, June 11    

Time (all times are Eastern) Activity
10:00 AM Welcome Session
Navigating the Online Conference
Interactive Team activity
(with mentoring partner pairs set up in this session)
11:15 Coffee & Conversation Break
11:30 Keynote Address

AI Goes to College

Dr. David Leasure

Dive into the world where artificial intelligence meets academia. Discover how AI, once a mere concept in the realms of science fiction, is now revolutionizing higher education. From student tutors to faculty assistants, learn how AI tools like ChatGPT and Bard are transforming the way we teach, learn, and conduct research. But it’s not just about the technology. This talk tackles the pressing questions: How can AI enhance the educational experience without compromising the human touch? What are the ethical considerations of data use in academia? What do students need to know about AI to enhance their careers? For the technology, the talk explains how thirty years of Process Education practices ease the way to augmenting both student learning and key faculty tasks.

Join us for a thought-provoking session that balances the excitement of AI’s possibilities with a critical eye on its challenges.

Whether you’re a professor, student, or administrator, this talk explores the intersection of technology and education while offering fresh perspectives on how AI can be harnessed for the betterment of higher education. Let's get prepared for a future where learning knows no bounds

12:15 PM Lunch Break
12:45 Breakout session #1A: Harnessing the Power of AI to be a more Effective Educator (David Leasure)
Breakout session #1B: Research Paper Session
2:15 Hall of Innovation Interactive Poster Session
  Coffee & Conversation
3:45 Interactive Team Time discussion session / (Virtual Breakout Rooms)
4:30 Social Hour/ In Person Dinner at a local restaurant and a Virtual Happy Hour

DAY 2: Wednesday, June 12

Time (all times are Eastern) Activity
10:00 AM Welcome Day 2 - Team Time discussion session
10:45 Academy Annual Business Meeting/Board Elections
11:45 Lunch Break – A HOI follow-up (offering Virtual hosted Breakout Rooms )
12:30 PM Plenary

Enhancing Student Growth Through Learning to Learn Process Education

Ingrid Ulbrich & Josh Morrison

Despite efforts to improve student outcomes through academic preparation and student support programs, student retention and graduation rates are often poor, resulting in millions of students across the US with some college, no degree, and with student loans to repay. The University of Indianapolis (UIndy), partnering with PE experts, has responded by implementing two short courses geared toward improving student growth and learning through the principles of Process Education. Each is an intense experience, combining learning to learn curriculum1,2 with extended support and coaching. In one course, students who experienced academic failure are invited for an experience to reset their academic compass. In the second, incoming college students with challenged academic records get a fresh start at college success. University data show that students completing either course tend to outperform their peers in retention and persistence toward graduation. This session describes program and curriculum development, current assessment data, and will include discussions with students who have completed the courses.

1 Apple, D. K., Morgan, J., & Hintze, D. (2013). Learning to learn: Becoming a self-grower. Pacific Crest.
2 Apple, D. K., Hintze, D., Morgan, J., & Woodbridge, C. (2023). Learn to learn for success. Pacific Crest.

2:00 Coffee & Conversation Break
2:15 Breakout session #2A: Putting Performance Measures for Mentoring Skills into Practice (Tris Utschig, Kathy Burke, Ingrid Ulbrich, Steve Beyerlein)
Breakout session #2B: How to Overcome Growth and Self-Growth Impediments
(Cy Leise)
3:45 Team Time
4:30 Closing Social Time Similar to Day 1 (details TBA)

DAY 3: Thursday, June 13

Time (all times are Eastern) Activity
10:00 am Welcome
10:15 Plenary

Growing into Your Ideal Self

Wade Ellis & Daniel Apple

This session will help attendees grasp components of the latest working model for Process Education Framework II that includes self-growth capabilities that helps one to become their ideal self.  In an interactive format participants will explore performance descriptions, performance criteria, and best practices for five key roles: Guide, Director, Coach, Scriptwriter, and Performer. This will include appreciation why each of these roles are essential. Participants will receive excerpts of a new book in development entitled Growing into Your Ideal Self. Participants will work in teams that have at least one experienced self-growth project participant. This will afford an opportunity to hear from Academy Members who have strengthened their self-growth journeys by participating in Self-growth Institutes, the 2021-23 PE Experts Project, and the ongoing Self-growth Development Project. The session will conclude with a brief discussion about the opportunity to join the self-growth project by participating in the June 24-28 UC Santa Cruz Self-Growth Institute.

11:45 President's State of the Academy Address – PLENARY SESSION
12:15 PM Report Out -Team insights on focused issues – PLENARY SESSION
1:00 Closing Session – PLENARY SESSION
“THE” Academy Awards
Conference Formal Assessment survey
Announcement of 2025 Conference Plans