Many of the social changes we're currently facing are truly challenging. But we see educators responding positively to the rapidly changing social landscape by learning and GROWING. So as we begin to fill in the conference schedule, we are asking colleagues around the world to share their ideas on the theme of Experiencing Growth in Times of Change.
Through this theme, the 2021 PE Conference is intended to foster meaningful discussions and innovations focused on:
When it comes to changes, you can GO through them or GROW through them!
To reference a session from this conference in a manuscript intended for publication in the International Journal of Process Education (IJPE):
Contributor, A. A., Contributor, B. B., Contributor, C. C., & Contributor, D. D. (Year, Month Day). Title of contribution [Description of contribution]. Process Education Conference 2021, online.
Sample reference:
Apple, D. A., Ellis, W., & Spiva, Y. W. (2021, June 25). Mitigating barriers to self-growth through strengthening mentoring skills [Plenary session]. Process Education Conference 2021, online.
To view the proceedings for any session, simply click the +.
View Full Awards and Descriptions (Google doc)
Distinguished Process Educator: Joyce Adams
Longstanding Contributor to the Academy of Process Educators: Cy Leise
Institutional Leadership in Process Education: Philliph Masila Mutisya
The Academy’s Newest Star: Auston Van Slyke
Best Article Award: Modeling Growth Capability (Leasure, Ellis, Leise, Hurd, Beyerlein, Apple, Nelson)
Award for Exemplary Service: William “Patrick” Barlow
Breakout Sessions
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Recent PE scholarship has identified fifteen components of growth capability. These provide insight about cultivation of knowledge, skills, and attitudes conducive to personal and professional growth. The components are organized under the four categories of Self- Concept, Planning One’s Life, Performance Improvement, and Growth. This paper introduces a template and supporting prompts that are intended to harness the underlying growth capability components in a synergistic and personally meaningful manner. Use of the tool has been piloted by several members of the self-growth community, including the authors of this paper. The tool is now ready for testing by a wider audience with varying levels of process education and self-growth experience. As part of the paper session at the 2021 PE Conference the authors are looking forward to substantive dialogue about the latest version of the template and its application. We would like to use this as a springboard to a future IJPE article.
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