Quality learning environments are an essential aspect of student growth and success. Abundant opportunities to engage in experiential learning and well-developed networks for providing student support are important aspects of quality learning environments. As highlighted in the 2014 Purdue-Gallup study of college graduates, these two broadly applicable learning attributes lead to 'great jobs' and 'great lives'.

The 2020 PE Conference seeks to illustrate how Process Education principles, practices, and tools can be used to create conditions for vibrant learning environments that more deeply engage students, faculty, and staff. Results from ongoing research on Academic Recovery Courses and Learning to Learn Camps will be used to test hypotheses about the role of identity formation, the benefits of an assessment mindset, and the use of performance criteria to cultivate a shared vision of educational transformation. Learning Environments beyond the traditional classroom, such as corporate training and educational professional development, are encouraged. Conference participants will experience a positive environment for accelerating learning and growth, integrating individual and group visioning, cooperative learning in roles, writing to think, self-assessment, and peer coaching. Come join us!

Be a Part of Things!

Whether you've been asked to present, are tempted to put together a poster, or are simply wondering what your options are for participating in the 2020 PE Conference, visit the Presenters page for all the information you need.

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Save the Date!

While memories are still fresh from this year's conference (2019), we're fast putting things in place for next year's conference. While the website is still being filled out, be sure to SAVE THE DATE for the 2020 PE Conference.

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Conference Goals

  1. Advance innovative learning environments inside and outside the classroom.
  2. Share innovations for engaging with all learners in a growth environment.
  3. Create greater relationships between students, faculty, and staff to foster growth communities.
  4. Incubate research activities on how the role of learning environments and culture impact learners’ growth and success.
  5. Use online technology for conference program design and delivery to create greater community outreach for the Academy of Process Educators.

Conference Threads

  • Plenary Sessions – There will be two keynote sessions where educational leaders will share their visions, innovations, and outcomes. There will be two expert panels where featured guests will share expertise around institution-level and national programs.
  • Hall of Innovation – On the first day of the conference there will be a poster session where attendees are invited to share classroom practices around creating quality learning environments for personal and community growth.
  • Professional Development Workshops, Research Workshops, Paper Sessions, and Symposiums - There will be six breakout sessions that explore and disseminate best practices in teaching/learning, educational research, and sharing experience/expertise related to the conference theme.