Due the uncertainty of hosting a face-to-face gathering in 2021, we are planning a Virtual PE Conference with a design structure similar to the 2020 conference, with Keynote, Plenary, and Breakout Sessions.

Many of the social changes we're currently facing are truly challenging. But we see educators responding positively to the rapidly changing social landscape by learning and GROWING. So as we begin to fill in the conference schedule, we are asking colleagues around the world to share their ideas on the theme of Experiencing Growth in Times of Change.

Through this theme, the 2021 PE Conference is intended to foster meaningful discussions and innovations focused on:

  • Social justice and institutional discrimination
  • The challenge of designing and delivering effective courses in an online environment
  • How to make a campus experience (physical or virtual!) inviting, personal, and meaningful

When it comes to changes, you can GO through them or GROW through them!

As we begin this work, we are seeking volunteers to play a number of roles in the conference planning, including recruiting Keynote presenters, inviting our colleagues to submit proposals, creating innovations in the methods we adopt to bring together Academy members and guests in meaningful dialogue and establishing plans for technology support for presenters.

The Call for Proposals will be available later in October. Registration information and links will be posted on the Academy website and in the November newsletter.

We hope you will embrace the theme and join us to share your insights and experiences as we share Experiencing Growth in Times of Change.