Thursday, June 25 |
All sessions this day are held at the Gateway Dining and Event Center |
Activity |
3:00 - 3:30pm |
Registration |
3:00 - 5:15pm |
Kickoff Workshop (Salon B) |
Scholarship of Teaching & Learning (SoTL) and
Process Education
Dr. Tris Utschig
During this workshop
participants will first share where we are in our own teaching
and learning journey. As he shares details of his own journey,
Dr. Utschig will also highlight key aspects of carrying out
various types of SoTL work (from the very small and personal to
the very large and collaborative) along with tying SoTL work to
process education. Throughout, we will work together in groups
to support each other as we generate personal plans for moving
forward in our teaching and learning journeys. These plans will
incorporate elements of process education and SoTL that will
help us investigate the impact of our pedagogical practices on
teaching and learning.
5:30 - 6:30pm |
Hall of Innovation (Lobby)
Best Practices Poster Session (with heavy hors d'oeuvres)
Big Picture Poster
(Joann Horton)
PE Academy = Research Program Focused on Learning to Learn
(Steve Beyerlein)
Learning to Learn (Wade Ellis)
Self-Growth (Chaya Jain)
Cultural Analysis of the Transformation of Education
(Ayana Conway)
of Recovery Course Building Collegiate Learners (Rik Stevenson)
GVSU Recovery
Course (Sherril Soman)
Becoming a Quality Learning to Learn Facilitator
(Joyce Adams)
Best Practices (Bill Ellis)
Profile of Collegiate Learner
(Dan Apple)
Concept Map of Learning to Learn (Masila Mutisya)
It is our hope that the list above is not exhaustive and that others are willing
to share their ideas and best practices, even at the last minute. |
6:30 - 6:45pm |
Break |
6:45 - 8:00pm |
Workshop (Salon B) |
Cultural Analysis of the Transformation of Education
Ayana Conway, Wade Ellis, Daniel Apple & Steve Beyerlein
This session builds
off scholarship in the current issue of the International
Journal of Education around risk-factors for collegiate academic
success. During the workshop, these risk factors will be
connected with collegiate success factors using a profile of a
Quality Collegiate Learner and Aspects in the Transformation of
Education. Workshop participants will work in small teams to
investigate (within one aspect in the Transformation of
Education) the relationship between faculty mindsets and risk
factor mindsets espoused by students in the traditional
classroom. These will be connected by commonly accepted
classroom practices. Findings will be reported publicly.
Participants will then explore alternative faculty mindsets and
corresponding student mindsets that align better with collegiate
success factors identified in the educational literature. This
workshop will deploy principles and methods articulated in the
kick-off workshop on teaching/learning and will
suggest opportunities for future collaboration in
process-oriented educational research.
Friday, June 26 |
All sessions this day are held at the Gateway Dining and Event Center |
Activity |
8:00 - 8:30 |
Registration |
8:30 - 8:45 |
Welcome |
VSU President Dr. Pamela Hammond |
8:45 - 10:15
(Salon B)
Educational Applications
for Habits of Mind: Teaching the Processes that Help Students to
Be Successful Lifelong Learners
Dr. Todd Zakrajsek
(Mentor: Tris Utschig)
What habits are present for an
effective/efficient thinker? Habits of mind look at the
attributes that are present when one thinks in an intelligent
manner. In this session, we will investigate how these habits
can be included and promoted in the educational process.
Students themselves often do not fully understand their own
cognitive processes, typically relying on implicit assumptions
and trial-and-error to learn new material. The good news is that
research provides clear evidence pertaining to what works best
in the classroom with respect to human motivation and
learning. This session is designed to demonstrate the importance
of teaching in a way that instills habits of mind to promote
life-long learning.
10:15 - 10:30
10:30 - 11:45
Concurrent Sessions
L2L: A View from the Top of the Tower
Lisa Davis & Joyce Adams
(Mentor: Tris Utschig)
President's Room |
Probing Academia Barriers to Accommodation
Betty Surbeck
(Mentor: Peter Smith)
Salon B |
Self-Efficacy, Implicit Theory of Intelligence, Goal Orientation
& the Ninth-grade Experience
Claire McWilliams
(Mentor: Steve Beyerlein)
Salon C |
12:00 - 1:30
Luncheon Keynote
(Provided with registration) |
Service Learning Spotlight
Ms. Talitha Hampton-Mayo: Vice President of NoBCChE – National
Organization of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers, sponsored
by the American Chemical Society
(Mentor: Colleen Taylor)
Salon A |
1:45 -
Concurrent Sessions
Syllabus Workshop
Anne-Marie Turnage
(Mentor: Colleen Taylor)
Salon A |
A Comparative Assessment of Collaborative vs. Individual
Chaya Jain & Tristan Utschig
Salon C |
2:45 -
3:15 -
Concurrent Sessions
Analyzing Academic Recovery Camp Success Factors and
Forecasting Future Academic Success
Dan Apple & Robert Stevenson
Salon A |
Redesigning the Classroom Setting to Engage Students and
Faculty in a Positive Learning Experience
Jeffery Hanes
(Mentor: Joyce Adams)
Salon C |
6:00 - 8:30pm |
Social Outing |
Berkeley Plantation Tour and Dinner (click for details!) |
Saturday, June 27 |
All sessions this day are held at the Hunter McDaniel Building |
Activity |
8:00 - 8:45 |
Business Meeting: Elections of Academy
Officers (Room 150W) |
8:45 - 10:15
(Room 150W)
Teaching So Everyone
Learns: Strategies for Student Success from the Psychology of
Dr. Todd Zakrajsek
(Mentor: Tris Utschig)
Many educators continue to
struggle with how best to proceed from delivering lectures to
creating truly effective learning environments for students. In
addition, students struggle to understand the best way to learn
in our classrooms. The result can be class sessions that are
difficult and frustrating to teach with students who appear
apathetic and indifferent toward learning. In this session,
through active learning, we will discover how effective
evidence-based teaching practices can be aligned with effective
evidence-based learning strategies to create classrooms where
students enthusiastically participate, are interested in course
content, and effectively contribute to their own learning.
10:15 - 10:30
10:30 - 11:45
Concurrent Sessions
Process Standards for
Mathematics Applied to Other Disciplines in Academia
Cheryl Adeyemi
(Mentor: Wade Ellis)
154W |
Concept of Self-Growth for a Life-long Learner
Chaya Jain
(Mentor: Dan Apple)
156W |
12:00 - 1:30
Luncheon Keynote
(Provided with registration)
(Room 150W)
Active Learning and Memory: Fostering Deep, Sustained and
Flexible Learning
Dr. Peter Doolittle
(Mentor: Chaya Jain)
There is currently a lot of
jargon in higher education. What do we mean by active learning,
engaged learning, or hands-on/minds-on learning? What makes for
deep, flexible, and sustained learning? How do we wrap learning
in a motivating environment? This session will address the
relationship between teaching, learning, memory, and motivation
with the purpose of students developing knowledge and skills
that are meaningful and useful across the span of one’s entire
life. In pursuit of this integrated learning, immediately useful
principles of learning, memory, and motivation will be addressed
to clarify the complexity that is human life.
1:30 -
Concurrent Sessions
Activity Design as an Application of the Learning
Process Methodology
Matthew Watts (Mentor: Dan
154W |
Critical Barriers in Implementing Learning to Learn
Philliph Mutisya,
Joyce Adams &
Robert Stevenson
156W |
2:45 -
3:00 -
Closing Plenary &
(Room 150W)
Virginia State University
Innovation Panel
Dr. Bob Weiman
(Mentor: Steve Beyerlein)
Diann Baecker (English) Renia Brown-Cobb (Psychology)
Ngowari Jaja (Cooperative Extension) Colleen Taylor
(Chemistry) Bob Wieman (Mathematics)
3:45 -
Academy Meeting
(Room 150W)