Teaching Institute, Transformed

26th Jan, 2018, by Dan Apple

Many of the academy members remember their first Teaching Institute and the impact that it had on them. Well, in 2018 we are going to do our first Nation-wide Teaching Institute to model our transformed Teaching Institute that we recently held and produced significantly more powerful outcomes than our long-running Teaching Institutes that we have been offering since 1991. There is the opportunity to mentor at this institute for 10 academy members and the encouragement to participate so that you will discover why you will want to set up a Teaching Institute for your own college. The Teaching Institute still has the following major learning outcomes:

  1. Understanding why Teaching students Learning to Learn is critical for Student Success
  2. Appreciate how the Process Education philosophy can increase quality of teaching and learning
  3. Increase the valuing of active learning and learn at least 15 new practices
  4. Help differentiate between assessment and evaluation and help shift many evaluation situations into assessment situations
  5. See how mentoring can increase the success of students
  6. Introduce of how to systematically integrate growth and development at the course and classroom level
  7. Create a professional learning community that you get to continue your journey with

Everyone who attends will look back at this institute as life changing. Register for this special opportunity when you register for the 2018 PE Conference.

To prepare, please read pages 1 through 6 of: 25 Years – Introduction and pick three areas of interest.

Selected Topics:

  • The Transformation of Education
  • Teaming & Constructing Team Learning
  • Learning Process Methodology
  • The Reading Methodology
  • Engaging Learners in a High Quality Learning Environment
  • Comparing Assessment and Evaluation
  • Facilitation Planning
  • Modeling a Process Education Classroom
  • Creating a Syllabus
  • Analyzing & Creating a Learning Activity
  • Developing a Professional Growth Plan


  • $500 for those not attending the 2018 PE Conference
  • $325 for those also attending the 2018 PE Conference
  • $250 for those attending both who are from Gannon University or other schools within 100 miles of Erie, PA
  • $250 per person for teams of 3 or more from ANY school