A word from Our IJPE Editor

26th Jan, 2018, by Kathy Burke

Hello Process Educators! Our 9th edition of the International Journal of Process Education will be released this spring.

It is an exciting compilation of articles that examine varied topics including how a student’s mindset is influenced by the culture of their institution, an in depth explorations of the Learning Process Methodology, as well as a discussion of the top 100 practices in Process Education.

As you are preparing your papers to be presented at the PE Conference, think about submitting your finished research to the IJPE. The dates for submission are:

Date Requirement
September 1 Submit paper for review
December 1 Submit final paper for technical editing

We urge you to take advantage of the IJPE as an outlet for your scholarship on teaching and learning! You can submit your work online through our website.

Guidelines for submission can be found on our website www.ijpe.online