News and an exciting upcoming book chat!
The October 2024 Academy Newsletter View online

WELCOME and THANK YOU for reading! This newsletter covers what happened in September and will give you a heads up on what to look for the months following.

In this issue (please note the links below will only work when viewing this newsletter in a browser):

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Upcoming Events

This is our regular monthly board meeting.

All board members and directors are welcome!
October 2 at 6:30 – 8:00 pm Eastern.

Zoom information is available on the Member’s site

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Presidents’ Report for September
Wm. Patrick Barlow

Recently I’ve been dreaming a great deal.  Given my experiences in the theatre, some of you may not be surprised by this confession. However, this has more likely been caused by drugs. Not the kind you might immediately consider. You see, this past week I experienced back fusion surgery. This has been needed for a longtime but I have postponed it in favor of more interesting and exciting opportunities. I have successfully put it off, resulting in the use of many drugs to keep me going. Interests like travel, encouraging the growth of my theatre company, helping the Academy to focus on the future, and becoming a more active grandparent.  During this time, like many of you, I have been shaping some of my own post-retirement dreams.

As I cleared off my desk before checking into the hospital last week, I came across a magnet given to me by a colleague on my early retirement. The magnet says: Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did.  So, throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. This magnet has now been on my desk for 10 years. It remains prominently in my view as a sort of future direction finder. I hope to use it in these next year’s leading the Academy toward its future. Opening the door to our colleagues around the globe, inviting new members from across the entire academic world. Seeking thought leaders, thinkers, scholars, practitioners, leaders, and colleagues across the globe as we search for the barriers and opportunities that lie in modern higher education. These are out there and to improve the outcomes in student learning and success. We must commit ourselves to the research how working together with concepts of Process Education we can advance and deepen the learning of students of today and tomorrow.

To this end, I challenge the Academy community to get involved in our shared mission by focusing on expanding our members’ multi-faceted research capabilities. Some of these include AI (Artificial Intelligence), effective online learning systems, and research of educational structures to meet the needs of the aspiring workforce. This is why I encourage each of you to join me in the upcoming Academy of Process Educators’ Book Chat event on October 9 – featuring the book, The Genius in All of Us. This is an opportunity to become more aware, involved, and active so we can work together to fulfill the Academy’s mission. This newsletter provides additional information in an article by Dr. Tris Utschig, Director for Scholarly Teaching and Professor of Nuclear Engineering at Kennesaw State University. I hope this book chat will be an effective way for Academy members to Explore, Dream, and Discover. See you there!

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Professional Development Director
Tris Utschig

October 9, 6:30pm-7:30pm Eastern

The book is The Genius in All of Us by David Shenk.

It is available for order at a reasonable price
(click for multiple purchasing links).


Our book chat facilitator will be George Dombi, a longstanding contributor to the Academy and a member of the Executive Board.

This book is a good companion to what we study in Process Education because it gives examples of people who are at the top of their areas of expertise and how they got there. The author exposes the notion of nature vs nurture as both a hollow true-ism and a handy crutch. Some people may have a genetic set of gifts that would do well in a profession, but these gifts need to be developed. Not everyone who has a high IQ ends up making a large contribution to society. One needs to constantly apply themselves.

To prepare for the Book Chat, participants should watch the 7-minute video review of the book offered here:

Workshop Information

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Professional Development Director
Tris Utschig

Tuesday, Oct 29th

Schedule: We will hold three separate sessions working on different measures in each session. Attend any or all:

  • Session 1: 9:30am-12:00pm Eastern (develop draft material for two mentoring skill measures)
  • Session 2: 12:30pm-3:00pm Eastern (develop draft material for two different mentoring skill measures)
  • Session 3: 4:00pm-6:30pm Eastern (develop draft material for two different mentoring skill measures)


Once you have registered for the session(s) you want
to attend, Tris will send you Zoom information!

Why attend? Meaningful learning and fellowship always occur during these sessions. If you are like me, you value increasing your mentoring capability. If so, you will find significant personal value in participating in this workshop where you will help develop measures for these mentoring skills:

  • Being Courageous
  • Being Fair
  • Being Independent
  • Identifying New Qualities
  • Maintaining Objectivity
  • Validating Added Value

You can learn more HERE.

If you plan to attend, PREPARATION WORK includes:

1. Review the three attached example measures we shared at this year's PE Conference.

2. Review How to Develop Performance Measures (pdf) and write out 1-2 salient points or unanswered questions you have about the workshop.

Please reach out to with any questions you may have. 

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Treasurers Report – Matthew Watts

  • Review Draft of Academy Budget 24/25
  • Excellent review of the budget from last year and the proposal for the coming year.
  • Approval vote delayed until the October meeting

Board Composition – Patrick

  • Introduce Abigail Richard, NEW Director of Membership/Mentoring

Name change to "International Academy of Process Educators" – Chaya

  • Denna, Chaya, Peter, Matt, Patrick, and Ingrid will meet to move forward with the name change

Two Director positions eliminated: DDO and Sergeant-at-Arms

  • SaA was suggested to try to avoid arguments during the meetings, but was never needed; DDO was a result of a presentation about Deliberately Developmental Organizations

Review of Google Drive Content and Practices Peter/Matthew

  • Peter showed the membership spreadsheet
  • Steve S. will set up a shared drive for Google spreadsheets and other documents

Review synopsis of the conference assessments received – Conference Planning Team Steve Beyerlein

  • Reviews for onsite arrangements were positive
  • We have capacity for more people face to face
  • Duration was acceptable
  • Would need more participants for more parallel tracks
  • People felt we need to further evolve the Hall of Innovation & bigger footprint for Hall of Innovation
  • Good proceedings resource
  • Good job with the orientation!
  • Need more direct instruction for the Moodle Site

Topics for discussion/action moved to future meeting(s):

  • Establishing the planning committee/Chair for the 2025 Conference
  • Brief review of 2020-25 Strategic Goals. Brainstorm of potential goals for 2025-2030 to be established prior to Conference
  • Discussion of increasing the use of Video in offering our members access to Academy resources
  • Establish Dates for Winter Meeting

  (The DRAFT minutes from the September Meeting are available HERE.)  

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workshops you'd like to attend!

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