The new IJPE is here! (And other stuff.)
The August 2024 Academy Newsletter View online

WELCOME and THANK YOU for reading! This newsletter covers what happened July and will give you a heads up on what to look for the months following.

In this issue (please note the links below will only work when viewing this newsletter in a browser):

Upcoming Events

This organizational Board Meeting will determine the day/time for the monthly meetings through the autumn.

All board members and directors are welcome!
August 1 at 6:30 – 8:00 pm Eastern.

Zoom information is available on the Member’s site

Chief Editor
Kathleen Burke

From the Editorial Board

The Editorial Board continues our endeavor to create a community of practice encompassing scholars and educators dedicated to transforming higher education. Within this volume we examine team-based learning’s influence on the transformation of education and which learning skills have the highest impact on growth. Further we examine growth and self-growth through an exploration of meta-behaviors, using roles to support action planning, and addressing impediments to self-growth...

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Articles in this volume (click any title to view)

Advancing the Transformation of Education Through Team-Based Learning
(Yuqin Hu, William Ofstad)

Growth Potential of Learning Skills in the Cognitive, Social, Affective, and Assessment & Evaluation Domains
(Kathy Burke, Steve Beyerlein, Dan Apple)

Self-Growth Meta-Behaviors
(Cy Leise, Dan Apple, Kathy Burke, Wade Ellis, Cynthia Woodbridge)

Using Five Roles to Support Growth Action Planning
(Kathy Burke, Dan Apple, Cy Leise, Wade Ellis, Mohamed El-Sayed)

Addressing Impediments to Building Self-Growth Capabilities
(Yolanda Watson Spiva, Wade Ellis, Cy Leise, Dan Apple, Kathy Burke)

From the Academy President, August 2024
Wm. Patrick Barlow

Now that our 2024 Conference at UINDY is wrapped up and folks are deep into the swing of summer, it seems appropriate to review the Academy’s accomplishments from this past year and to establish some priorities for the coming year. Here are some areas where we have focused our attention in 2023/24.

Conference highlights/Thanks to UIndy staff

  • First of all a big thanks goes to out Conference planning team who worked diligently from Mid-October until June to plan for the conference. This team of determined members met bi-weekly to pull together all the logistics of the conference which was evident with the way it provided for a relaxed atmosphere for those participating in-person and virtually. The venue at the University of Indianapolis was comfortable, easy to navigate, and our Hosts Steve Spicklemire, Josh Morrison, and Mary Moore were gracious and accommodating. The technical needs of each presenter were met and exceed. The Monday pre-conference workshop provided many opportunities for participants to grow in their understanding of Process Education and learn in real time teams that were very focused. The Hall of Innovation in a new configuration allowed for both virtual and local participants to see both live and recorded presentations. 

Winter meeting

  • The mid-year Winter meeting was an opportunity for board members to increase their understanding of the Academy’s systems and projects, including the 2020-2025 strategic plan. There will be follow up to the Strategic Plan throughout the 2024 -2025 season as a review of current Academy activities and new ideas for future projects and opportunities for growth were shared. The Executive Board and Academy Directors will be engaged in discussions about which goals to continue working on as well as potential new goals for the 2025-2030 strategic plan. Please join us for the Winter meeting, as your participation will be very welcome.

Self-Growth Community

  • The Self-Growth Community continues to provide members an opportunity for a deep dive into their self-growth journeys. The loyal members who participated focused on their own desires for self-growth as well as focused scholarship about the process. This project will continue into the next years with a few new wrinkles as suggested by Dan Apple’s presentation during the conference. In collaboration with Pacific Crest another Self-Growth experience will be announced soon. A call for new and returning members will come to your inbox soon as well.

International Journal of Process Education

  • The IJPE continued to accept academic papers, providing scholarly opportunities for members to focus their attention of aspects of Process Education of interest. Thanks to our Editor Kathleen Burke and the readers for their continued focus on providing an avenue for scholarly research and writing.

Professional Development

  • Professional Development Activities this past season have focused on the development of Mentoring Skills dimensions. Providing an opportunity to learn first-hand how the methods of investigation and research work in our academy. Other opportunities for the 2024-25 season  will soon be established. If you have ideas for sessions that you would like to see offered please let board members or our Professional Development Director, Tris Utschig know.

Board Updates

  • AoPE Board updates include many exciting changes beginning with the results of the election held during the Conference in June. We want to thank outgoing Board members Grace Ndip and Colleen Taylor for their invaluable service to the Academy during the past 2+ years! We welcome newly elected Board members Board member Yuqin Hu and Grace Onoodipe and look forward to their contributions to the Board over the next two years. We recently held the first edition of our New Board member orientations with them and appreciate their participation and dedication. We would like to thank board member Christopher Sweeney for his service as he has resigned from the Board due to accepting additional duties at his Intuition. We welcome Academy board member, George Dombi, who has agreed to serve as one year replacement board member to fill out Christophers’ second year. George has been very active in scholarship projects, in the Self-Growth community, and as a member of the Conference Planning team/Hall of Innovation for many years. We will also welcome some new Directors including Durel Crosby as the Director of Project Management. Finally the Board will convene our Fall semester organizational meeting on August 1st.  We will welcome new members and establish dates and times for our monthly meetings.

International news?

  • The most exciting step the board will be making involves a Name Change for the Academy. For about a year now the board has been exploring the concept of Internationalizing our scope. To welcome members from across the globe into our membership with the result of fostering an even richer and diverse dialogue  focusing on teaching and learning. To that end the Board will take up a motion to change our name to the “International Academy of Process Education”.  Stay tuned!

As we collaborate to chart the future of our Academy I do hope you will consider participating in one or more of the activities and learning opportunities offered. We have several vacancies among the “Director “positions who serve as leaders of specific projects and issues in the Academy. The Board would really like to see a significant increase in your involvement with these projects and especially in the Winter meeting and the Annual Conference. If you have an interest, please contact me or any Board member so we can have an informed discussion about the possibilities.

Your Board members would like to see a significant increase in your involvement with these opportunities. As it has been said, “It Takes a Village”. Well in my observation it requires a LARGE Village to make significant and positive change. Let us become a part of that “village” together. Let’s collaborate on this incredible opportunity to grow and learn with fellow Academy members and continue on our journey to a future rooted in Assessment, Reflection, and Effective Teaching and Learning practices. So, please join us as this next exciting year unfolds.

Website Facelift: What do YOU want to see?
Knut Are Romann-Aas

Dear members,

As webmaster, I think it is time to give our website a facelift. We live in an age of smartphones and the Academy website should not exclude those who use their phones as their primary resource. This is a project that will take some time and I need your input.

As an academy member and user of the web page, can you please take just a minute or two and complete this very short form? It is anonymous and asks only 3 questions:

  • A change or addition that you would like to see
  • How that change/addition will benefit you and others
  • How public/private you think some of the information on the Academy website should be
Click to Complete the SUPER SHORT Questionnaire

(I think that for privacy reasons the photos and bios on the About Us page should only be on the Member site. The documents about running the Academy aren't something that the public needs to see and I believe they should also be on the Member site only.)

Proceedings of the 2024 PE Conference are still available.

The format is "interactive pdf" so the table of contents is clickable and, when available, files and resources for sessions are too.

Access the proceedings through the PE Conference home page and select "Proceedings" from the menu bar.

workshops you'd like to attend!

Click to share yours!

The Current Academy of Process Educators Executive Board

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