Latest News from the Academy of Process Educators
The May 2024 Academy Newsletter View online

WELCOME and THANK YOU for reading! This newsletter covers what happened in April and will give you a heads up on what to look for in May and the months following.

In this issue (please note the links below will only work when viewing this newsletter in a browser):

Upcoming Board Meetings

First Wednesday of the month at 6:30 – 8:00 pm Eastern
Jun 5, July 3, August 7
Zoom information is available on the Member’s site

(Psst! You can visit the Academy Calendar on the Member's site and click to add the board meetings to your personal calendar!)

From the Academy President, April 2024
Wm Patrick Barlow

As the academic year end approaches many of us may be feeling exhaustion and overload. Each year at this time I turn toward introspection. I see my students still working diligently each week, their skills and growth continuing to increase. I experience the satisfaction of seeing another academic term completed. But it also makes me nostalgic. I wonder what the future holds for these students. I wonder, I continually wonder, for almost 50 years now I have wondered about my decision to become an educator. Was it a wise choice? Did I realize what the journey would hold for me? Did I understand the awesome responsibility I would feel over time? Have I made any difference? I wonder if all my time, energy, and focus on their learning has made an impact.  

If this feeling resonates with you then I suggest that as you plan to spend a week with other educators from across the world who also “wonder”. Gather with us for our annual Conference this summer in Indianapolis June 10-13th. The theme “Unlocking Performance and Growth” offers us a chance to ponder new ideas, new approaches, and new relationships as we learn together. As the Conference draws near, I hope you will take the opportunity to explore the topics and ideas that will be shared. There is a lot packed into this year’s Conference including presentations focused on Artificial Intelligence, Self-Growth, Process Education techniques, conversations with colleagues, unique teaching method ideas and more. 

The Conference planning process is almost complete and the final Conference schedule will be available soon. It will include all of the information about plenary and individual presentations as well as the Hall of Innovation. In the past few weeks, we have been very pleased to see registrations for the conference rolling in. More and more of you have chosen to refresh your commitment to the success of our students. If you are still pondering, just know, we have room for you all. At this gathering you will not be overloaded, or exhausted. You will be raised up and praised as members of an Academy that seeks to support you on your journey as an educator. Take a look at the Conference web page and ponder your opportunity to be a builder of the future. Register now, so we can plan for your participation. See you in INDY!

Matthew Watts

Have you registered for the 2024 PE Conference?

Do you still have questions?

Are you new to Process Education?

We are hosting a pre-conference orientation Wednesday May 31 from 4:00-5:00 PM (ET). Here is the Zoom link for the orientation:

The purpose of the orientation is to prepare attendees for the conference. We will be giving a brief overview of Process Education, showing you how to access and navigate the conference support site, and answering any questions you may have. If this is your first PE conference, then attendance is recommended. If you are unable to attend, then look for a follow up email to all registered attendees with a link to the recording. If you have any questions before the orientation, feel free to email

Professional Development Director
Tris Utschig

Will Ofstad has offered members of the Academy five free certification workshops in team-based learning (TBL). If you are interested in this opportunity, please respond to this survey. We will use the results to determine the logistical details that will best fit our members.


Over $500 for similar workshops offered through the Team-Based Learning Collaborative (TBLC). Offered collegially to the PE community for the cost of the certificate itself ($25).

Why TBL?

TBL outlines a structured method to active learning and a flipped classroom, compatible will large and small classes with only one facilitator.  The method offers insights into teaming, pre-class preparation, in-class readiness testing, and team applications that elevate questions to problem-solving and deepening discussions. It has been shown to increase attendance, improve daily preparation, drive critical thinking, and exercise teamwork and communication skills.  Process education and team-based learning are synergistic approaches to elevating teaching and learning... 

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There's Still Time to Show Off!

The deadline for submitting your Poster (slideshow) for the Hall of Innovation has been extended to May 10.

Submit here!

Hall of Innovation presentations should:

  • Use a slideshow format with 5 - 10 slides
  • Center on a specific innovation
  • Invite conference participants into dialogue about the topic
  • Share scholarship or other results based on one's experience

If you’re attending IN PERSON

  • The presentation will be displayed on monitors in the main meeting room
  • During the dedicated Hall of Innovation time, presenters can discuss their slideshows with participants
  • For the remainder of the conference, the presentations will be displayed for participants to view

If you’re attending REMOTELY

  • Record yourself presenting the slideshow
  • Limit the recording to 10 minutes in length
  • Submit the recording as an .mp4 video file

The Secretary's Report
Summary of April 3 Board Meeting
Steve Spicklemire

Conference planning

  • We need more posters!
  • Encourage registration
  • Uindy has around 15 faculty who will register once funding is secured
  • We decided not to have a board meeting at the conference


  • Transactions related to the conference have been received and processed
  • Posted report for 2nd quarter in the academy forum
  • Things overall look good! (around $2k for conference registrations so far)

Academy Election Plans

  • We have a full slate of candidates

Strategic Planning Next Steps

  • Will and Patrick will meet to continue progress

We are sad to announce that Carol Holmes, of New Glarus, WI passed away on Friday, April 19 at OSF St. Anthony Medical Center in Rockford, IL.

Carol was a founding member of the Academy of Process Educators and editor of the Faculty Guidebook. A part of the "MATC group", Carol was dedicated to the continuing education of adult learners. She is fondly remembered by many of us as a mentor, colleague, and friend.

A tribute page, including a link to Carol's obituary and personal memories of several Academy members, is available AT THIS LINK.

A memorial service will be held at 11:00 a.m. on Saturday, June 1, 2024 at the Swiss United Church of Christ, 18 Fifth Ave., New Glarus, WI. A gathering will precede the memorial service from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. on Saturday, June 1, 2024, at the Swiss United Church of Christ in New Glarus.

Memorial gifts are suggested to be given to Habitat for Humanity of Green County, and the Swiss United Church of Christ in New Glarus.

Tribute Page

workshops you'd like to attend!

Click to share yours!

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