With the popularization of "growth mindset" and the realization of its benefits, people with growth mindsets might ask, "What's next?" I would answer with another question: "What are you doing with your growth mindset?" When situations push you outside your comfort zone and you see them as growth opportunities, you're starting to increase your growth capability. But what about situations that push you outside your comfort zone and you think, "I can't do that. It's too hard. I can't be successful here."? Now it's time to gain a self-growth mindset.
While a growth mindset says, "I can increase my ability to make improvements where I want to," a self-growth mindset says, "I can increase my ability to make improvements in areas where I previously thought that wasn't possible." That’s shifting your mindset from "I can't" into “I have unlimited potential.”
A time where I grew in an area where I thought I couldn't was doing martial arts. My biggest barrier was about hitting people. Even though sparring happened in a safe and restricted environment, past issues with a threatening family member made me feel that I couldn't hit someone, or be hit by someone. One evening I even cried to the head of the school about how overwhelming this was. But I recognized that this was part of the school’s expectations, and if I wanted to advance my rank (which I did, because I'm an achiever like that), I'd have to persist.
I managed to spar. I got to the point of hitting people (with no intention of hurting them), and even got a few solid hits on black belts. I found out that it was ok to get hit, (with safety gear, and when they aren't intending to hurt me, either). I never liked it, but I did find a way to do it, and to keep improving at it.
Was this growth or self-growth? I'd say growth. I set the challenge, I persisted in what I needed to do, and even did some parts of assessment (before I knew about SII). But most of the growth was caused by working in an environment that supported and pushed my development.
What would make it self-growth? Believing that this growth potential was transferable to other areas of "I can't".
If you strengthened your self-growth capability, what power would you have? What barriers could you eliminate, and what opportunities would now open up for you pursue?
You can strengthen your self-growth mindset and capability by participating in the Self-Growth Institute the precedes the Conference in St. Louis in June. Facilitators and mentors include Dan Apple, Ingrid Ulbrich, Tris Utschig, Al Rowe, Steve Beyerlein, and many others.
Registration is available NOW, so grab your spot! |