Did you know that the minutes of the Academy Board Meetings are available to ALL Academy members? In this article, we offer highlights of the most recent board meeting(s):
July 2019 Minutes August 2019 Minutes (not yet approved)
Academy Goals and Strategic Project for 2019-2020
Academy President, Joann Horton, stated that she has identified four key goals to guide the work of the Academy during the next year. These goals support our vision of the Academy of Process Educators where the membership embodies the Process Education philosophy. The four key goals are:
-To become a Deliberately Developmental Organization -To increase Membership -To strengthen self-growth of membership -To develop leadership capacity of membership [initiatives to projects]
In addition, the completion of the Academy Strategic Five- Year Plan is a major project.
Levels of Academy Membership for Service Recognition
Academy Ambassador, Wade Ellis, submitted a proposal for Levels of Academy Membership and began initial discussions. The purpose of the proposal is to develop reward/recognition system for active Academy members. (The proposal outlining the award system has been posted on the website with the July 2019 minutes.) The basic idea is to recognize performance/commitment to the Academy through a series of badges and levels. This would be one method of easily communicating professional service to department chairs. Members may post their views on the website. The discussion will continue.
New Academy Roles
We're growing! We have several brand new board positions that were filled during or immediately after this year's conference. We'd like to welcome the following roles and individuals aboard:
Academy Ambassador: Wade Ellis Assessment Director: Mary Moore DDO Director: Wendy Duncan Grants Director: Chaya Jain Mentoring Director: Al Rowe Project Manager Mentor: Ahmd Azab Sergent-at-Arms: Arlene King-Berry
Deliberately Developing
The Academy has decided to become a Deliberately Developmental Organization. Wendy Duncan, our DDO Director, is sharing her experience and expertise to help us make this cultural change. We have several readings on DDOs that are now part of the Academy Bookshelf and are happy to offer them to all Academy members:
- The Deliberately Developmental Organization - How the Way We Talk Can Change the Way We Work - Member Expectations |