3 books I love: One of my joys in almost-retirement (will be fully in August) is reading. I am even part of a book club! Here are three that come to mind:
The best class I ever took and why: Well, I enjoyed a lot of classes. In math, I think my favorite was Modern Algebra. The professor, Sandy Shilepsky, was excellent. What makes it memorable was that, when he went on sabbatical at Wells College, I was his sabbatical replacement. I was still working on my doctorate at the time. And I taught Modern Algebra. I recently met some of the alums from 1982 who took that class.
The class I’d most want to teach if I could choose: Well, it’s not really a class, but it is what I do now. I facilitate “Death Cafes.” These provide participants to share their thoughts on death. I’ve facilitated several of these and attended a few. Every one has been powerful.
One piece of advice I’d give to a teacher about to begin teaching: Be authentic! Remember that you are not there to fix—your role as a teacher is to facilitate the realization in each learner the skills he/she/they already have. Also, use stories—they are so powerful. |