Here are some possible directions to apply this information:
• Treat the DDO that is PE Academy as a voluntary community of practice that supports each member to flourish according to their own definition
• Organize activity of PE Academy on a foundation of improving PERMAL for each member, asking all members to articulate, reflect, and assess goals and support them to make plans to achieve the goals (maybe as a workshop at the conference and in PD webinar)
• Support member Learning & Growth through Legitimate Peripheral Participation to create opportunities to legitimately participate at the periphery and to progress toward the summit, such as:
-- develop & test a PE starter guide
-- inject PE into curriculum & teaching*
-- contribute to case library of practice
-- do lightweight research with PE concepts leading to publication (RiBs - research in a box)
-- provide a coaching service that would develop more advanced members as coaches and let them coach a video or other performance of other members
• foster opportunities in the CoP for better Relationships
• determine how to incorporate Positive Psychology concepts into the practice of PE, the DDO, and CoP
• connect the work we do with the members’ and organization’s purpose to create meaningful activity
• recognize and celebrate member accomplishments
• measure the above by engagement of the membership in the Organization and their legitimate contributions to the community |