Strengthening Academy Leadership: Bylaws Update
The Academy Board periodically reviews and updates its Bylaws to strengthen its operation. The Board is recommending changing the Bylaws to strengthen the leadership structures of the Academy, and to reinforce member participation in the election of the Executive Board and engagement in Academy work.
All current members of the Academy are requested to vote on these changes. Electronic voting will run from April 26 to June 25, 2019. These changes will be ratified only if at least 30% of current members vote, and 2/3 of voters approve the changes. If passed, the changes apply immediately and will be in effect for elections during the Business Meeting at the 2019 conference.
VIEW Details of the proposed changes VISIT the forum for discussion of the changes VOTE: Cast your ballot
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------------------------------------------------- Summary of Proposed Changes to the Bylaws
1. Extend the terms of the President and President-Elect to two years. Recent Academy Presidents, and the current President-Elect, believe that a two-year term as President will allow the President greater ability to carry out their vision for the Academy. The Academy's 3-year strategic planning cycle can be more effectively achieved with the longer term for the President. This change extends the commitment of a President of the Academy to 5 years: 2 years as president-elect, 2 years as President, and one year as Immediate Past President. (The current incoming president has agreed to serve for a two-year term, if these amendments are ratified by the Academy membership. Current candidates for President-Elect have agreed to the five-year commitment to the Academy Board in this series of roles.)
2. Clarify election procedures. The current Bylaws have ambiguity about whether ballots may be cast by members not present in person at the Business Meeting during the Annual Conference. The Board believes that all current Academy Members should have the opportunity to elect their officers during that meeting. The proposed changes to the Bylaws clarify that all members present during the Business Meeting, whether in-person or online, may vote in elections of the Executive Board.
3. Add additional Appointed Officers. The Executive Board has created and filled several new appointed positions that create increased opportunities for ongoing involvement by more members, and to support the agenda and mission of the Academy. These roles, and their job descriptions, are recommended for addition to the bylaws.
4. Minor changes to balance the election process and clarify language. The election years of some Board members are shifted so that about half of the Board is elected each year, and the Academy Board is differentiated from the Executive Board.