PE Conference 2019
Over the last three years the PE Academy has been advancing the idea that the strength of the Process Education philosophy lies in the fact that it works for a variety of learners – GEN Z, Adult Learners, Under-represented, International Students, Honor Students, “At-risk” Students, Students with Disabilities, and students in STEM fields. The 2019 conference will feature Process Education programs from across the world and explore how and why they are able to accomplish an increase in Student Success and Equity. The lens of Universal Design will be applied to the research questions on human performance and the elements of the Classification of Learning Skills. Academic programs, courses, and instructional activities will be studied to understand how Learning to Learn and Self-growth are philosophies that produce growth and integrated performance in all courses, not just capstone courses. Universal engagement will be highlighted to showcase how critical processes of facilitation, mentoring, assessment, and servant leadership are integrated to produce high-achieving learners and educators.

Visit the Call for Proposals to learn how to submit YOUR proposal!
Join the Review Team for 2019 PE Conference Submissions
Peer review is a value-added process that we would like to more extensively infuse in the 2019 Process Education Conference.

Reviewers are solicited to help select and provide feedback on conference submissions in multiple venues (workshops, symposia, posters, and research papers).  Reviews will be guided by pre-established forms that measure submission attributes against special criteria for each venue and that also provide suggestions for revision before submission materials are finalized in the official conference program.

Reviews will take place as submissions are received, between December 15th and February 1st.  We would like to have at least two reviewers for each submission and anticipate asking each reviewer to provide their input on 8-10 submissions. This should be no more than a four hour time commitment.  If you would like to elevate your pre-conference learning and provide feedback to workshop facilitators, paper authors, and posters for the Hall of Innovation, please go to this link Reviewer signup or send a confirmatory email to Raj Chaudhury ( at the University of South Alabama or Marie Baehr ( at Coe College.
Virtual Presentation Opportunity
Do you want to present at the summer conference but are unable to travel to the University of South Alabama? The call for proposals now includes the option for online participants. Online proposals are submitted in the same portal:

When filling out your submission application just select “online” as your mode of delivery:
If you have any questions about presenting or submitting online just contact Matthew Watts at
Don't have the time for research, but need to publish? Fold teaching and research together. Find out how!

You thought you couldn't get any busier when you were working on your degree. Now that you're a faculty member with a full teaching load, you know what busy really is. Still, it's possible to get teaching and scholarship done more efficiently by shifting your focus to the scholarship of teaching and learning. You'll get stronger at teaching, design better course experiences, and have publishable results.

The Academy for Process Educators is holding a professional development institute on the scholarship of teaching and learning, January 2-4, 2019 at Georgia Gwinnet College in Lawrenceville, GA.  

Learn more:


Questions? Contact: Dan Apple or David Leasure

Too busy to breathe in your faculty role? Discover how self-growth helps you get it all done without working harder!

Even teaching without publishing can be daunting. Throw on committee work, special projects, or new curriculum, and you may feel like you're drowning. We have a professional development series that can help you be more effective with your work and your time.

The Professional Community for Self-Growth is recruiting mentees for our hybrid experience that begins 1/16/2019. We will have semi-monthly video meetings, online supplements, and a mentor.

If you're more experienced, we'd like to recruit you as a mentor. Please join us in our weekly preparation series on Wednesdays, beginning 12/5/2018 6 pm eastern time.

Send an email to to enroll as a mentee for 1/16/2019 or as a mentor for 12/12/2018. Feel free to ask questions.
Winter Meeting
The Winter Meeting of the Academy of Process Educators is fast approaching. The meeting will take place at Georgia Gwinnett College from January 4 - 6, 2019. The agenda has been finalized and includes a link to attend Saturday January 5th online.

If you decide to join us in person then just send an email to Matthew Watts ( There is also a Research Institute directly preceding the meeting, January 2 - 4, 2019.

Meeting Agenda

January 4
6:00/7:00 PM Dinner at TBA
January 5  (Zoom Meeting
8:00 AM – 9:00 AM Recovery Course Research Update
9:00 AM – 9:30 AM Pacific Crest Update
9:30 AM – 10:30 AM Director Reports
10:30 AM – 12:00 PM

Performance Criteria for Academy Roles: President, Past-President, President-Elect, Research Director, Mentoring Director, Professional Development Director, Conference Co-Chairs, Membership Chair, Marketing Director, Finance Officer, Treasurer, Secretary, Member at Large, Communications Director.

Model the writing of performance criteria for one role, then break into groups and write the others, then assess the group work.

12:00 PM – 1:00 PM Lunch
1:00 PM – 1:30 PM ZOOM training
1:30 PM – 3:00 PM Academy publications: Pamphlet, white paper, primer
3:00 PM – 4:00 PM Board Meeting
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM Conference Planning Meeting
5:00 PM Leave GGC
6:00 PM Dinner at TBA
January 6
8:00 AM – 9:30 AM Peer Review of IJPE/Conference submissions, assessment of last year
9:30 AM – 10:00 AM Self-Growth Community
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM Assessment of Operational Plan
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM Lunch (on your own)
1:00 PM – 5:00 PM Breakout: optional work sessions
Are you interested in joining the Academy of Process Education Executive Board and carrying forward the vision and mission of Process Education? If so, there are opportunities for you to make a difference.

Several elected positions will be voted upon at the 2019 PE Conference. The Nominating Committee is seeking candidates now for the following positions:

President Elect (1-year term)
Secretary (2-year term)
Finance Officer (2-year term)
Member-At-Large (3 positions; 2 for 2-year terms and 1 for 1-year term)

If you are interested in running for any of these positions, then contact the current President-Elect, Joann Horton.
Academy of Process Educators
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