Our 2023 summer Conference: Closing the Gaps is less than 2 months away and the planning committee is hard at work completing the exciting details. Here are some highlights of the program as of today. Our Keynote Speaker will be Dr. Nia Haydel, Vice President for Alliance Engagement & Institutional Transformation from our partnership with Complete College America. Dr. Haydel will share updates on the progress of their work to strengthen student access and success in higher education.
A special Plenary Panel of guests from other organizations will share insights on their efforts to close identified gaps to higher education. Panel members who are confirmed include Auston Van Slyke, President of Pacific Crest, Angela Fitzgerald Ward, Associate Dean for the School of Academic Advancement at Madison College, Ingrid Ulbrich, President of Achieving Academic Success and current President of the Academy, Jonathan Brennen, author of A Good Road and Presenter for “On Course Workshops”, and Lori Lowder, Interim Associate Vice Provost for Student Success at Kennesaw State University. One additional potential participant has been identified and may be able to as a panelist. Academy member Durel Crosby has agreed to moderate this panel.
The Conference Program is organized to be a very interactive and lively opportunity for participants to engage in active learning and spirited discussion. Virtual Table Team participation, led by Will Ofstad, in the online environment will include the use of Jamboard to help teams track their discoveries, experience and interactions. Proposals for workshops and the Hall of Innovation (virtual posters) have been trickling in for the committee to assess and recommend for the program. The Hall of Innovation will be presented using a unique technology Panopto, for members to share their own innovations. The Hall of Innovation will be presented in a special session on Day 1 hosted by Academy member Dr. George Dombi. All members are encouraged to submit session proposals and HOI/poster concepts. The final deadline for all proposals is May 1, 2023.
Plans for the Academy Annual Business meeting are almost complete including a Presidents Report, Treasurers Report, Academy Awards, and annual Academy Board Elections. A special Closing Session will include sharing of team insights, a formal conference assessment opportunity, a sneak peek at Conference 2024 and closing remarks from the incoming President.
Special Pre-Conference Orientation will be held at 4-5pm, May 31st to help familiarize participants with the virtual environment for the Conference. This session will be recorded and available throughout the Conference via a link on the conference site. Everyone Registered for the Conference will receive a reminder about the orientation session.
Registration for the Conference has increased in recent weeks thanks to our institutional partnership with Virginia State University and a special Board member effort to remind members to register as soon as they can. This will help our planning team be best prepared for how to structure the Process Education virtual environment for maximum participation and interaction. The Early Bird Registration rate date ends on May 5th. To register now, visit the PE Conference registration page!