This monthly column shares a small idea or low-stakes practice that everyone can try out whether in a classroom setting or other learning context. Remember that all current Academy members have free access to the e-Faculty Guidebook through the Member’s site!

STRATEGY: Establishing Shared Expectations
FROM: 3.2.1 Overview of Facilitation
“Establish shared expectations—The outcomes of any facilitated process must be defined clearly, connected to its goals, and agreed upon by the participants and facilitator. These outcomes should be specific, measurable, achievable, results-oriented, and time-bound.”
This is related to performance criteria, which are statements of what performance can be expected when a learning activity has been successfully completed but goes further. Performance criteria are statements—not conversations or discussions. They do not indicated shared understanding; that must be explicitly created.
For more on this, a recent Pacific Crest blog titled “Confronting Expectations in the Classroom” offers some specific strategies for establishing shared expectations.
Also related is the article, “So What? Getting at Relevance” which appears in this month’s newsletter as well!