Secretary’s Report

The AoPE Board met January 4th during the Winter meeting. The Finance Procedures Manual presented by Peter Smith was approved. The members also approved the Summer Conference Dates and Summer Conference Preliminary Theme. The conference theme should prove to attract a good variety of constituents. Organizations, Colleges and Universities have communicated many gaps as validated by research of the conference committee.

The Spring Board Meetings will occur on February 28th, March 28th, April 25th and May 23rd at 5:30 PM with hopes that the remaining board members could make that work. The meetings should run 1.5 hours instead of the 1 hour.

A communications plan team was formed. Ingrid Ulbrich proposed that until we have a membership director and communications chair, an ad hoc committee consisting of herself, Patrick Barlow, and Steve Beyerlein would meet and discuss a framework to empower that person.

Recent Board Meetings

Remember, you can find out the Board’s current work by checking the Academy Board Meeting Agendas and Minutes posted on the Academy members’ page:

January 2023 minutes (not yet approved) December 2022 minutes (approved)

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