Student Voices - My Process Education Story: The Power of Learning to Learn

September 29  6:00pm - 7:30pm CST


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Assess the workshop


Joyce Adams


This workshop is to share a set of compelling stories of what an academic recovery course can do to transform lives. This workshop is to determine how these stories should be researched, analyzed and compiled in a way to share with the world of why the Academic Recovery Course should be a standard practice within Higher Education. There will be 15 stories of different variations shared and 5 minute interviews of at least 5 of these individuals in real-time so that these individuals can be asked questions to determine how to most effectively pull out these stories in a way that provides the convincing evidence that other stakeholders need. The new design of how to package these stories from a research perspective will be created by the participants



Before the session:

  1. Explore the Learning to Learn Camp website ( if you are unfamiliar with the Camps.
  2. View the video brochure available on the site.
  3. Answer these Exploration Questions on the forum for the session before the session begins.
    1. In your opinion, what are top three activities during the week would produce the most change in an individual? Why?
    2. Identify three aspects of Cody’s self-growth paper that convinced you that self-growth took place during the Learning to Learn camp.
    3. What is your most burning question about a Learning to Learn experience?

Session timeline:

6:00 – 6:05  Welcome and address Exploration Question responses received before the session (5 min)

6:05 – 6:20  Introduction to Charles Clark (panelist)

6:20 – 6:35  Introduction to Andres Santiago (panelist)

6:35 – 6:50  Introduction to Christen Clark (panelist)

6:55 – 7:25  Breakout

7:20 – 7:25  Report

7:25 – 7:30  Live SII

Critical Thinking Questions

Answer the following questions on the forum for this workshop.

  1. What are two or three similarities of the three student experiences?
  2. What was it about the stories that you heard that grabbed your attention and made it come to life? Why?
  3. Why do you think the former students can still identify the impact of the L2L/Psychology of Learning experience?
  4. If you were designing an interview of an L2L, how would you design the interview? Provide at least three tips.
  5. How can stories like those of the panelists be used to attract people to Process Education?

Live SII during the session (if time)

I'm ready to Assess the Workshop!