Designing and Facilitating your PE Conference Session

Tues, May 26, 2020: Parts A & B

Tues, June 9, 2020: Parts A & B repeated

Part A: 7:00-7:45 Eastern

PE Conference Session Design and Preparation

Part B: 7:45-8:30 Eastern

Facilitating PE Conference Sessions using Zoom and the Conference Forums

Zoom Information

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(on Member site)
Part A     Part B
Assess the workshop

Read through this facilitation plan to find out what to do, how, where, and when! Pay SPECIAL attention to RED TEXT!


These sessions will be facilitated by Tris Utschig and Matthew Watts.


PE Academy members value interaction with colleagues to mutually foster learning and growth. These sessions have been created to help conference session facilitators and attendees design, present, and participate in online synchronous sessions for the 2020 PE Conference. Specifically, the sessions will model how to design your online conference session as a Process Education activity to achieve these goals using Zoom and the PE Conference Forums.


  1. Read the assigned readings before the session for each part of the session (Part A and/or Part B) that you will attend. The instructions for the two parts of the workshop are available below. Click the title or "+" symbol to access that information!
  2. Answer the Exploration Questions on the forum for the session before the session begins.
  3. Actively contribute to the discussion of 3-5 "critical thinking questions" by playing one or more team roles used in Process Education teams.
Part A: PE Conference Session Design and Preparation

Overview (Part A)

Practice using the PE PD session model to create easily accessible resources along with simple, yet challenging and rewarding, online activities supporting participant learning and growth during your PE Conference session.

  1. Welcome (2 min)
  2. Brief summary of goals for session (3 min)
  3. Address what people wrote in their responses to the Exploration Questions (2 min)
  4. Q & A about topic/reading, and explain activity logistics (8 min)
  5. Activity: Breakout groups discuss 3-5 "critical thinking questions" (20-25 min) [CTQ topic link]
    1. How can facilitators create the conditions to expect a reasonable amount of reading and preparation by participants before a session?
    2. When does it make sense to use two parts to a workshop session, vs perhaps just one main part?
    3. What types of presentation content should be prepared for the session orientation time?
    4. What is the most effective balance between session introduction time and participant breakout time?
    5. When teams are reporting out to the larger group after a breakout session, how can the facilitator ensure the process is valuable for all participants?
  6. Reporting out from teams of top insights gained (5-10 min)
Part B: Facilitating PE Conference Sessions using Zoom and the Conference Forums

Overview (Part B)

Utilize the PE conference technology effectively to foster learning and growth by using breakouts for teamwork, forums for recording, etc. This session will utilize the Zoom Tips Sheet and the PE Conference Forum

  • Workshop Forum (Part B)
  • Readings

  • Exploration Questions

    Post answers to these BEFORE the session (click the button below when you're ready to post your will open the correct forum on the Member site, so be ready to log on!)

    1. Where does one find the readings, exploration questions, and critical thinking questions for an online conference session?
    2. What features of Zoom are typically used during a PE Academy online session?
    3. How does one address a participant whose audio is not working during the session?
    4. How can the presenter view the chat room during their presentation

    I'm ready to answer the Exploration Questions!

  • During the workshop
  1. Welcome (2 min)
  2. Brief summary of goals for session (3 min)
  3. Address what people wrote in their responses to the Exploration Questions (2 min)
  4. Q & A about topic/reading, and explain activity logistics (8 min)
  5. Activity: Breakout groups discuss 3-5 "critical thinking questions" (20-25 min) [CTQ topic link]
    1. How can a facilitator constructively intervene with breakout groups having technology trouble?
    2. How does one address a participant who is being disruptive during a session?
    3. What criteria should be applied to assess the quality of an online presentation using Zoom and the Conference Forums?
    4. What strategies can the presenter and online facilitator use to facilitate learning and growth during a Zoom session?
  6. Reporting out from teams of top insights gained (5-10 min)
  • Live SII during the session (if time)

I'm ready to Assess the Workshop!