PE Quick Hits: The SII and Team Roles

November 12, 2019  (7:00-8:30pm, Eastern)

Part A: 7:00-7:45, Optimizing SII Feedback   |   Part B: 7:45-8:30, Facilitating Team Roles Effectively

Zoom Information

Meeting ID: 203 869 838

Dial in: +1 646 558 8656 or
+1 669 900 6833 US

Register for this workshop Workshop forum
(on Member site)
Assess the workshop

Read through this facilitation plan to find out what to do, how, where, and when! Pay SPECIAL attention to RED TEXT!



The SII feedback format (strengths, improvement, and insights) is recognized as a core PE practice that can make an immediate impact on improving student learning, yet maximizing that impact takes practice! Improving team performance through the use of assigned team roles is similarly impactful, yet mastering facilitation of those roles takes time. This session provides an opportunity for new and experienced PE practitioners to elevate the impact they can make in the classroom and other contexts using these two simple yet powerful PE techniques.

Learning Outcomes

At the conclusion of the activity participants will...

  1. Create a list of several new tips for using the SII and Team Roles in transformational development.
  2. Identify multiple new contexts where the SII and/or Team Roles can be used outside the classroom or PE Academy.

Performance Criteria

Documenter - record new understanding of these techniques in the form of concise tips that can be referred to later to help improve our practice.

Practitioner - Apply what we are learning - practice using team roles during the session to produce an SII of the session design.

Team player - help ensure all voices are valued and heard, and that their ideas are used in producing the outcomes of the session.


  1. Read the assigned readings before the session for each part of the session (Part A and/or Part B) that you will attend.
  2. Answer the critical thinking questions on the forum for the session before the session begins.
  3. Actively contribute to the discussion exercises by playing one or more team roles used in Process Education teams.

Part A: Optimizing SII Feedback (7:00-7:45 Eastern)

  • Readings

  • Post answers to the Critical Thinking Questions BEFORE the session (click the red bold red text when you're ready to post your will open the correct forum on the Member site, so be ready to log on!)
    1. What are the components of an SII feedback report?
    2. In what contexts have you seen the SII used effectively before? Why was it effective?
    3. What are your goals for using the SII in your own context(s)?
    4. In what situations might SII feedback be irrelevant or inappropriate? Why?

During the workshop

  • Exercise [record on Part A Discussion Board during session] (click the bold red link to view that part of the forum for this workshop)
  • Explaining team roles and answering questions about SII’s (10 minutes)
  • SII Discussion (30 minutes)
    • What makes a situation a good context for providing SII feedback?
    • What are 5-7 tips for producing a quality SII?
  • Assessment of Part A session (5 minutes) - SII

Part B: Facilitating Team Roles Effectively (7:45-8:30 Eastern)

  • Readings

  • Post answers to the Critical Thinking Questions on the session discussion board BEFORE the session (click the red bold red text when you're ready to post your will open the correct forum on the Member site, so be ready to log on!)
    1. What are examples of team roles that can be assigned?
    2. In what contexts have you seen team roles used effectively before? Why was it effective?
    3. What are your goals for using team roles in your own context(s)?
    4. What different team roles than those listed in the reading might be useful to assign? Why?

During the workshop

  • Exercise [record on Part B Discussion Board during session] (click the bold red link to view that part of the forum for this workshop)
  • Explaining team roles and answering questions about team roles (10 minutes)
  • Team Roles Discussion (30 minutes)
    • In what ways do team roles enhance overall team performance? Why?
    • What are 5-7 tips for effectively facilitating the use of team roles during team activities?
  • Assessment of session (5 minutes) - SII

After the workshop